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It’s All Practice

When your alarm goes off in the morning, get straight out of bed. Don’t hesitate. Think of the meaningful work you have the privilege of doing today, and eagerly move toward it. But on some days, of course, you’ll hit snooze and linger in bed, resisting the call to wake up. That’s okay. It’s a practice. During your workout, push yourself to lift a little more, run a little faster,… Read More »It’s All Practice

Silenzio Bruno!

Last weekend, we watched Luca, one of the latest Pixar films. The main character, Luca, befriends another boy named Alberto, who inspires Luca to become more adventurous. Luca, however, is an anxious child, full of fear and self-doubt. Luckily, Alberto has a trick to overcome these issues, which he teaches to Luca (click here to watch a brief clip of the scene): Alberto: “Hey, hey, hey. I know your problem.… Read More »Silenzio Bruno!

How to Respond to Unhealthy Cravings

We all have unhealthy cravings that we struggle to resist: pizza, Netflix, whiskey, Twitter, chocolate, (insert your go-to vices here). That you have such cravings means nothing. Well, it means you’re human. But it doesn’t mean you’re a lazy chocoholic with no self-control. And critically, having these cravings isn’t the same as acting on them. It’s all in how you respond to unhealthy cravings. Becoming better at responding to unhealthy… Read More »How to Respond to Unhealthy Cravings

The Best $10 I Ever Spent

Around this time in January of 2010, I had my first serious ski injury. I launched myself off an icy jump and did a 180, but I was going too fast, and I overshot the down-sloped landing and came down hard on flat, cement-like snow. Since I was landing backward, all of this impact had to be absorbed with my lower back, which simply couldn’t handle the force. Did I… Read More »The Best $10 I Ever Spent

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