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Chris Loper

Got ANTs?

Let’s continue our quest to develop better thoughts. Here’s a quick recap of what we’ve covered so far: If you develop more control over your thoughts, it will improve both your emotions and your behaviors because thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are connected to one another in a bi-directional feedback loop. Many of your thoughts are either wrong or unhelpful, so you shouldn’t believe everything you think. Many of your thoughts… Read More »Got ANTs?


About a month ago, I published an article about the power of effort-tracking, which explained how to use an effort-tracking spreadsheet to increase your productivity and exercise more. The thing is, my personal productivity has been excellent, and my exercise is on autopilot, so I hadn’t been using an effort tracker for over a year. But at the time I published that article, I was struggling with burnout. I had… Read More »Recovery-Tracking

You Are Not Your Thoughts

Today, I’m offering a quick corollary to my previous post, Don’t Believe Everything You Think. The message here is simple: You are not your thoughts. Our inner experience is largely composed of thoughts. We create and listen to a running narrative of our life. We think about the past. We think about the future. We react. We judge. We wonder. We ponder. We remember. We plan. We predict. It’s easy… Read More »You Are Not Your Thoughts

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Remember the feedback loop that controls your life? We’ve talked a lot about how to master the actions component of that feedback loop, and for good reason: Actions are always under our control, and actions speak louder than thoughts. But thoughts are also important, and we do have some control over them. So it’s time to start exploring the topic of developing better thoughts. What do I mean by that?… Read More »Don’t Believe Everything You Think

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