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I would like to call upon the becoming better community to embrace growth. This is not quite the same as having a “growth mindset,” though it is related, and I do also recommend developing a growth mindset. To embrace growth is to embrace the natural way that change happens. To embrace growth is to embrace slow, steady progress. Embracing growth is about setting realistic expectations for what we can do.… Read More »Growth


At the age of 35, Og Mandino hit rock bottom. A WWII veteran turned insurance salesman, Og had recently been left by his wife because he was an alcoholic who he couldn’t hold a job. Living out of his car with less than $50 to his name, Og was considering spending his last dollars on a gun with which to kill himself.1 Instead, Og went to the library. He walked… Read More »Change

How to Achieve Real Personal Freedom

What I want most for you is freedom. I don’t mean freedom from oppression and persecution, although political freedom is normally a prerequisite for the sort of freedom I’m speaking of. What I want for you is the freedom to choose the life you want: the freedom to design your own life, the freedom to discover your potential, the freedom to express your highest self, the freedom to contribute. “The… Read More »How to Achieve Real Personal Freedom

Becoming Better

Welcome to the Becoming Better blog! The purpose of this blog is to help you become better: better at learning, better at creativity, better at work, better at life. There are many reasons to work on becoming better, and there are many ways to do so, but before we talk about all that, there’s something really important I need you to hear: You’re already good enough. Now, don’t get me… Read More »Becoming Better

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