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What Else Do I Want?

I want some chocolate. There’s a thought that pops into my head from time to time. It’s a totally valid thought, based on a very real feeling. Chocolate is delicious, and I occasionally crave it. However, there are other things I want that don’t align with the desire for chocolate: I want to eat healthy, nutritionally dense foods. I don’t want to spike my blood sugar because then I’ll crash… Read More »What Else Do I Want?

Increase Happiness By Using Your Signature Strengths

 When people talk about the science of happiness – a topic I love – they usually talk about the importance of exercise, the benefits of meditation, or the value of gratitude journaling. And clearly I’m as guilty of that as anyone in the self-development field. But positive psychology has more to offer than that. There is another practice that might be both easier to do and more universally helpful: using… Read More »Increase Happiness By Using Your Signature Strengths

The Power of Disruption to Change Habits

“Chris, where are your bowls?” “They must be here somewhere. I’m sure I packed them.” “I can’t find your mugs either.” (thorough searching) Crap. I forgot to unload the dishwasher. My partner and I just moved into a new place, and I, quite brilliantly, forgot to pack up the clean dishes from the dishwasher at my old place. Luckily, it’s only 40 minutes away, and my landlord was kind enough… Read More »The Power of Disruption to Change Habits

Doing Work That Matters

“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” –Albert Einstein1 We live in a culture that prizes fame and fortune over contribution and service, so it’s understandable that many people are driven to achieve conventional success. I too am driven, in part, by the desire for money and status. But while wealth and prestige do provide a certain sort of pleasure, they do not… Read More »Doing Work That Matters

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