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How Your Phone Kills Your Charisma

Picture someone who is really charismatic. A wide variety of images might come to mind, but there’s one thing they all have in common: You’re not picturing someone checking their phone. Smartphones kill charisma. There, I said it. For all its utility, your phone is undermining your ability to be well liked and influential. To understand why smartphones have this effect, we need to unpack what charisma really is. In… Read More »How Your Phone Kills Your Charisma

The Best Time To Start A New Habit

When is the best time to start a new habit? Excellent question. And since there are two different meanings to this question, there are two answers. Let’s explore. 1. On what day (or time of year) should I start a new habit? The answer to that question is simple: Now. Don’t wait until summer or your birthday or the new year. Don’t wait until Monday. Don’t wait until tomorrow. Start… Read More »The Best Time To Start A New Habit

The Assumptions That We Make

Look at that red car. What a jackass, right? How can they be so bad at parking? How can they be so inconsiderate?! Well… as tempting as these assumptions are to make, they’re all completely wrong. For starters, I happen to know the owner of the red car because she’s my neighbor. She’s a very nice person – decidedly not a jackass. And this is the only time in two… Read More »The Assumptions That We Make

Three Phrases to Stop Using for Greater Charisma

Some books are so packed with practical wisdom that they’re worth reading again a few years later. Your life will have changed, so the lessons that stand out to you will be different. You will have already applied and internalized the basic ideas of the book, so on this second reading, you’ll be able to process its wisdom more deeply. For me, one such book was Stephen Covey’s The 7… Read More »Three Phrases to Stop Using for Greater Charisma

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