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Little Experiments

Earlier in the week, I posted about my personal experiment with using a calendar chain to establish a meditation habit. I didn’t like the idea of the calendar chain tool, and I didn’t think it would work. But it didn’t cost me much to try it out, so I went for it. And it paid off. Big time. This was an example of the sort of “little experiments” I like… Read More »Little Experiments


What does creativity have to do with becoming better? How can it help with productivity, behavioral change, or happiness? And isn’t creativity just a luxury for those who have both the talent and the time to make art? One of the assumptions underlying these doubts is that “creativity” only refers to art, music, dance, poetry, and writing stories. As we’ll see, this narrow view of creativity is both wrong and harmful to… Read More »Creativity


Many clients first come to me because they want to improve their productivity. Often this is because they want to advance their career by becoming more effective and more efficient at work. Or they want to become better at doing the work or self-improvement: They want to find more motivation to take care of themselves and do the things they know they should do. But perhaps productivity doesn’t interest you.… Read More »Productivity


I would like to call upon the becoming better community to embrace growth. This is not quite the same as having a “growth mindset,” though it is related, and I do also recommend developing a growth mindset. To embrace growth is to embrace the natural way that change happens. To embrace growth is to embrace slow, steady progress. Embracing growth is about setting realistic expectations for what we can do.… Read More »Growth

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And to kick things off, I’ll send you the 5 most important self-improvement habits to become healthier, happier, and more successful.