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Chris Loper

Boil Yourself Like a Frog: a Metaphor for Sticking with Healthy Habits

“Now, here’s the deal … we don’t want to be like that moron at the gym who thinks he’s going to turn around seven years of sitting on the couch in one afternoon. Pick one area and just focus there. Start small. Go slow. Stretching and pushing ourselves too much and too quickly is a recipe for misery and anxiety.” –Tripp Lanier1 There’s a strange, old idea about how to… Read More »Boil Yourself Like a Frog: a Metaphor for Sticking with Healthy Habits

The Joy of Spring is in the Details

In the past, I barely noticed spring. Sure, I was aware that flowers were blooming and days were getting longer, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. But for the past few years, spring has become much more vivid. I’ve come to find great joy in springtime. And I recently realized that my joy arises from noticing all the details of the season. I’ve likely gotten better at noticing… Read More »The Joy of Spring is in the Details

8 Unconventional Anger-Management Strategies

I recently had a profound realization that I now understand is a reflection of how far I’ve come in the past five years. When I was younger, back before I got sober, back when I was depressed, I used to get angry a lot. I really didn’t like my life situation, and I felt powerless to change it. In response to feeling powerless, I got angry. I got angry at… Read More »8 Unconventional Anger-Management Strategies

The Principle of Two Errors

A couple of years ago, my friend Joel began to lose his eyesight. It was really minor at first, and the vision-loss was gradual. For the first couple of months, his eyesight was not much worse than yours or mine, so it was perfectly safe for him to keep driving. But as his eyesight continued to diminish, it became clear that someday soon he’d have to give up driving for… Read More »The Principle of Two Errors

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