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Chris Loper

The To-Do List Checkbox System

To-Do List Trouble I used to put things on my weekly to-do list like “write next week’s blog post” or “practice calculus” or “redo homepage for website.” To-do lists are great, but for tasks like these, I was having a problem: They weren’t things I was going to do in a single sitting. Writing next week’s blog post takes multiple sessions of writing and editing. Practicing calculus is something I… Read More »The To-Do List Checkbox System

Where Do New Ideas Come From?

It could easily be argued that the hallmark of our species is creativity. Other animals are certainly creative, but no other species has taken innovation and art to such dramatic heights. Here are some telling examples: In Birmingham, England, in 1867, factories were producing over 500 different types of hammers, each with a unique, specialized function.1 In just the United States, over the past 200 years, over ten million patents… Read More »Where Do New Ideas Come From?

How to Beat Procrastination by Making Your Own Motivation

Do you ever procrastinate? Yeah? Oh good. I just wanted to make sure you’re human. Procrastination is the #1 most common issue I work with people on. 6th graders avoiding their math homework? Check. High school seniors putting off writing their college essays? Check. 24 year old’s neglecting their household chores? Check. 48 year old’s skipping workouts? Check. All procrastinating. But don’t get me wrong – I’m in no position… Read More »How to Beat Procrastination by Making Your Own Motivation

The Benefits of Taping Your Mouth Shut at Night

“Wait. You do what?!” “I tape my mouth shut at night.” “Why?!” Great question. I’ll tell you why. Breathing: The Lost Fundamental “We can live without food for weeks and water for days, but air for just a few brief minutes. While we spend a great deal of time and attention on what we eat and drink, we pay practically no attention to the air we breathe.” –Patrick McKeown1 Long-time… Read More »The Benefits of Taping Your Mouth Shut at Night

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