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Chris Loper

A Simple Hack to Start a New Morning Routine

Are you thinking about starting a new morning routine? Or adding something to your current routine? Or quitting an unhealthy habit that you do first thing every morning (like checking email on your phone in bed)? Well, I’ve got bad news for you: It’s going to be difficult. When you wake up in the morning, you’re pretty much on autopilot. From the moment your alarm goes off, your brain engages… Read More »A Simple Hack to Start a New Morning Routine

The True Meaning of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”

Francis Barlow’s illustration of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” Public Domain. “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” is traditionally told as a story where the moral is: “Don’t lie because people won’t believe you when it matters.”1 And while that’s not a bad lesson, it’s not very profound. A more useful moral to learn from the story is: “All signals should be meaningful.” The boy cries wolf when there isn’t a… Read More »The True Meaning of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”

The Key to Emotional Regulation

I used to struggle mightily with emotional regulation. A slight worry with a sprinkling of stress would lead to anxious rumination and catastrophizing. A minor frustration would lead to righteous anger, which would sometimes spiral out of control into full-blown rage, followed by shame and desperate sadness. Eventually, I found the solution in one of the core tenets of Stoic philosophy. It’s a common misconception that to be a Stoic… Read More »The Key to Emotional Regulation

Should You Let Go of Desire?

I recently read Hank Green’s two novels, An Absolutely Remarkable Thing and A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor. Under the guise of a light sci-fi romp, these books are actually tremendously insightful. Together, they’re the best satire I’ve seen or read about the modern world, capitalism, political division, and our relationship with technology. One of the insights that stuck with me is an answer to the age-old question: Should I let go… Read More »Should You Let Go of Desire?

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