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Chris Loper

How to Be Resilient When Your Routine is Disrupted

Long-time readers will know that I have a well-established morning routine: I perform the same self-care activities in the same order each morning. But what happens when the routine is disrupted? Well, last month, that disruption came in the form of a heel injury that demands to be iced for 20-30 minutes first thing in the morning. So I’ve been forced to adapt. Instead of starting my day with outdoor… Read More »How to Be Resilient When Your Routine is Disrupted

How to Overcome the Planning Fallacy

You make what feels like a reasonable to-do list for the day, but then you only get half of it done. You carefully calculate how early you need to wake up to make it out the door on time, but then you wind up running late anyway. You tell your guests dinner will be at 6:00, but the food isn’t ready until 7:30. In each of these cases, you’ve fallen… Read More »How to Overcome the Planning Fallacy

Life’s Traffic Lights

You’re driving toward an intersection and the light changes from green to yellow. You’re too far away to make it through before it turns red. What do you do? You slow to a stop, of course. Through your actions, you accept your fate. But do you mentally accept it? Or do you get upset that you missed the light? I hope you accept it because getting upset doesn’t help. It… Read More »Life’s Traffic Lights

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