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Chris Loper

True Confidence is Self-Efficacy

The word “confidence” comes from the Latin con fidere, which means “with trust.” It’s the same etymology as the word “confide;” you confide in those whom you trust. To have confidence in yourself is to trust yourself – trust yourself to handle life’s challenges, trust yourself to get things done, and trust in your ability to learn and improve. But it’s important to distinguish between false confidence, overconfidence, and true… Read More »True Confidence is Self-Efficacy

4 Ways to Deal with Willpower Failures Well

We’ve all been there: Having a third helping of dessert at a party Telling yourself you’ll just watch one episode and then binge-watching an entire season Skipping your workout Hitting the snooze alarm seven times Losing your cool over a minor setback Dropping your new meditation habit after just three days When self-control collapses in the face of temptation, or when self-discipline is overpowered by the urge to be lazy,… Read More »4 Ways to Deal with Willpower Failures Well

Gratitude Journaling

  September 29th, 2014 I’m grateful for waffles and peanut butter. I’m grateful for my bike ride with Nate in Discovery Park and the fall colors that are out. I’m grateful for Fleet Foxes. I’m grateful that I’m in a position to help kids. I’m grateful that I’m getting better at arguing with my own irrational thoughts.   Those are the words that I wrote nearly four years ago in… Read More »Gratitude Journaling

Smart Willpower Strategy

Willpower comes in many forms and has many names. To make yourself go for a run when you don’t want to, you’ll need “self-discipline.” If you need to overcome procrastination and start a project, you’ll need “work ethic.” To keep going when you’re exhausted, you’ll need “determination.” If you’d rather watch a movie than do your chores, you’ll need to exercise “delayed gratification.” To resist the temptation of eating dessert… Read More »Smart Willpower Strategy

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