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Chris Loper

Effective Strategies

One of the cornerstones of my approach to becoming better is the use of effective strategies. You might recall last week’s post on an epic piece of wisdom from Steven Pressfield. Today, we’re focusing on the “mechanical solutions” part of that quote: “The problem is not you. The problem is the problem. It’s hard because it’s hard. The solution is mechanical. Work the problem.” –Steven Pressfield Difficult problems call for… Read More »Effective Strategies

The Problem Is Not You

A few years ago, I was reading Do the Work! by Stephen Pressfield. It’s a wonderful little book about dealing with the feeling of resistance that naturally arises when we are struggling to complete creative projects. In it, I came across the most profound piece of wisdom I have ever read: “The problem is not you. The problem is the problem. It’s hard because it’s hard. The solution is mechanical.… Read More »The Problem Is Not You

It’s Not Too Late to Change

When I wrote the founding post of this blog, I concluded with this quote from The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: “For what it’s worth: it’s never too late …. to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I… Read More »It’s Not Too Late to Change

Staying on Top vs. Getting to the Bottom

Like many Americans, I spent the past few weeks constantly checking the news. The drama unfolding in the Senate was gripping, and I felt compelled to follow along as often as I could. But, now that it’s over and I’ve had a few days to reflect, I’m questioning the wisdom of trying to stay on top of this or any other news story. All my news-checking certainly didn’t change the… Read More »Staying on Top vs. Getting to the Bottom

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