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Chris Loper

Cross-Training For Your Brain

You probably know the importance of cross-training. In athletics, cross-training means doing a wide variety of physical exercises, including those outside of your typical sports. My three sports are skiing, rock climbing, and hiking. And I could get in shape for those sports by just doing those three activities. But I’ll be better off in a number of ways if I cross-train, so I also do a lot of other… Read More »Cross-Training For Your Brain

Thought Bouncers

A little while back, we discussed the problem of ANTs – automatic negative thoughts – and what we can do about them. Let’s add another tool to our ANT-defense toolkit: thought bouncers. Imagine that your mind is an exclusive night club. There is a bouncer guarding the front door. Lots of thoughts want to get in. But many of these thoughts are unwelcome guests; they are irrational, unfounded, unpleasant, or… Read More »Thought Bouncers

Resistance is a Compass

You know that big, important thing you’ve been putting off doing? That project? That chore? That behavioral change? Yeah, that thing. It’s time to get started. Oh, you thought I was joking? Get started, right now. Seriously, stop reading this and get started. Wait, you’re still here? Why are you still here? Let me guess… I bet you’re experiencing some kind of resistance. Resistance is a psychological phenomenon that arises… Read More »Resistance is a Compass


When it comes to behavioral change and healthy habits, I love commitment. Specifically, I’m a big believer in 100% commitment. When you go all in, your odds of success go way up. However, we sometimes think of commitment as a single, final decision, especially for major decisions like getting married or quitting drugs. In reality, commitment is a series of decisions you make over and over again. It’s an ongoing… Read More »Recommit

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