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Chris Loper

Meaningful Alternatives to Checking the News

Most of us are checking the news way more often than we normally do. It’s important to stay up to date on the coronavirus pandemic and know what you’re supposed to be doing, so checking more makes sense. But if you’re anything like me, you’re probably checking too often. Even at a moment in history when staying informed is critical, doing is still greater than watching. And most of us… Read More »Meaningful Alternatives to Checking the News

The 3 M’s and the 3 P’s: Six Shortcuts to Better Thinking

Learning to think better is an essential part of becoming better. It makes you happier and more productive. It leads to better relationships with other people and a better relationship with yourself. But learning to think better is tough. We have to overcome automatic negative thoughts, the tendency to self-identify with our thoughts, and the habitual ways we interpret reality. Plus, via human nature, we have inherited a host of… Read More »The 3 M’s and the 3 P’s: Six Shortcuts to Better Thinking

2 Quick Ideas for Staying Healthy

Coronavirus is presently dominating the headlines, our conversations, and our thoughts – and for good reason. It’s a big deal, and we don’t know exactly how big yet. So given the current situation, I want to offer two quick ideas to help you stay healthy. I’m not here to peddle some pseudoscience cure, and I’m not here to tell you that you shouldn’t be worried about COVID-19. We don’t have… Read More »2 Quick Ideas for Staying Healthy

Interpreting Reality

Our Interpretation System Cognitive therapy is built on the following model of human emotions: We perceive an event or situation with our senses; we encounter We evaluate that event or situation; we interpret Our emotions align with that interpretation; we experience life as we’ve interpreted it. Let’s call this our event-interpretation-emotion system. Here are some examples of how it can play out: Your boss sends you an email saying they… Read More »Interpreting Reality

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