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Chris Loper

Self-Improvement In The Time Of COVID

Like many folks, I thought we were on our way out of this mess, but the recent spike in cases has made it clear the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over. And, like many folks, I rode out the spring in a sort-of holding pattern – not taking on new projects or pushing myself much in the arena of self-improvement. Sure, I’ve kept up with my writing and my full-court… Read More »Self-Improvement In The Time Of COVID

Strategic Stress Management: Techniques that Really Work

You’ve heard it a million times: Stress is bad for you. It hurts your performance. So you need to reduce stress. But what if that’s all wrong? What if the real story of stress is a lot more interesting than that? And I don’t know about you, but when I hear the advice to “reduce stress,” I tend to roll my eyes. For most of us, that’s just not realistic.… Read More »Strategic Stress Management: Techniques that Really Work

If You Think That Time Will Change Your Ways…

“If you think that time will change your ways, don’t wait too long.” –Madeleine Peyroux  Time will not change your ways. You have to change your ways. Behavioral change is hard, but with strategy and effort, it’s absolutely possible. Unlike the statue above, you’re not set in stone. And although it’s never too late to change, you should start now. Don’t wait for it to be convenient. Don’t wait for… Read More »If You Think That Time Will Change Your Ways…

Reminder Blindness

Think about the last time you got a new piece of art or furniture. For a while after you got it, it sort of popped out to you when your eyes scanned the room it was in. It seemed more vibrant, special, or interesting than the rest of the art/furniture. But then, perhaps a month or two after getting it, the new art/furniture blended into the rest of the room.… Read More »Reminder Blindness

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