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Self-Improvement Resources

Here are the best self-improvement resources I’ve found: the books, articles, videos, and classes that have proven to be the most useful to me.

All of these resources convey critical ideas that will support you on your personal development journey. Some offer concrete tools that will make self-improvement easier. Others support the cultivation of healthy mindsets for personal growth.

I hope you find them as helpful as I have!

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Best Overall Self-Improvement Resources

Buy, read, annotate, and implement The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.

Don’t be put off by the cheesy title. It’s far more profound than it sounds. This is the single most useful book I’ve ever read. The ideas offered here are not surface-level tricks or quick fixes. Covey shares simple yet powerful ideas that will help you become a better employee or boss, a better partner, a better parent, and a better person overall. I can’t recommend it highly enough.


This is the ultimate one-stop shop for all things self-improvement. There are hundreds of book summaries, over 1000 quick video lessons, and dozens of in-depth courses. This has been my go-to source of daily wisdom for years. 

The Daily Stoic 

Another excellent choice for a daily dose of wisdom. Read this quick introduction to the core tenets of Stoicism, and if that resonates with you, buy the book and start reading a passage each morning.

The Feedback Loop That Controls Your Life … And How To Master It

In this post, I lay out the foundational theory behind much of my advice. Understanding this concept will improve your approach to everything from mental health to productivity.

The Problem Is Not You

This quick blog post is about letting go of shame and embracing strategic effort as the solution to your problems. The concept applies to just about everything in life.

The Proactive Mindset

This article is all about being proactive. It will teach you how to become an active agent in your life rather than a passive victim of circumstance. This is the #1 most important mindset for success, health, and happiness.

Behavioral Change and Habits

My series on willpower

These articles will teach you how to simultaneously increase your willpower and rely on it less, as well as how to deal with willpower failures well.

James Clear

James Clear’s blog is mostly about starting good habits and sticking with them. There are loads of good articles, but consider starting with Goals vs. Systems or Habit-Stacking. Plus, he wrote the fabulous and bestselling book, Atomic Habits.

Downloadable/Printable Effort-Tracking Spreadsheet

This is the philosophy of James Clear distilled into a physical tool that you can use to install new habits. Read this post on how to use it and why it works.

The Willpower Instinct

Kelly McGonigal’s fabulous 55-minute talk at Google about her excellent book, The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It.


Perfectionism is a set of beliefs that sabotage not only behavioral change, but also happiness, productivity, and creativity. This article explains why these beliefs are false and how to overcome them.

Habit Coaching

Get personalized, strategic habit coaching from me.


How to Use the Ikigai Diagram to Find Fulfillment

The ikigai model is probably the best tool around for deciding what to pursue in your life and how to spend your time well. This article is an in-depth look at how to apply the model.

The Most Important Question of Your Life

This article from blogger and author Mark Manson reframes the debate about what to do with your life from one of asking what you want to one of asking what sort of pain you’re willing to suffer in order to get what you want.

“Follow Your Passion” is Bad Advice

In this 99U talk, author and computer science professor Cal Newport explains why the ubiquitous advice to “follow your passion” isn’t helpful. The alternative he offers is more practical and realistic than following your passion, and it will almost certainly lead to a more fulfilling career. See also: So Good They Can’t Ignore You.

Warren Buffett’s “2 List” Strategy

A clever way to find focus when you have too many dreams and goals.

80,000 Hours

An amazing free resource to help you figure out how to have a high-impact career. If you want to make the world a better place, but you’re not sure how to use your time and talents, check this out.

Mental Health & Happiness

Cognitive Therapy Articles

A series of articles I wrote about self-administered cognitive therapy, plus two options for finding affordable therapy online.

This is Water

This video adaptation of a David Foster Wallace commencement address is just priceless. It is perhaps the best antidote to the frustrated, self-centered, impatient attitude that is, as he describes it, “our default setting.”

The Power of Vulnerability

This is the TED Talk that made Brené Brown famous. It serves as a beautiful stand-alone talk or a worthy introduction to her work. Her follow-up talk, Listening to Shame, is also worth watching. She’s written many excellent books that you should also check out, such as Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. 

Nature. Beauty. Gratitude.

This TED Talk from time-lapse photographer and filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg is my all-time favorite. I’ve watched it dozens of times. The imagery is stunningly beautiful and the message is even more so. I dare you to watch this and not smile.

Permission to be Human 

I learned this vital concept in the Harvard class mentioned above. Giving yourself permission to be human is a prerequisite for happiness and growth.

Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar 

A heartwarming and often profound collection of advice from Cheryl Strayed.

Gratitude Journaling

An exploration of a practice that has been scientifically demonstrated to make you happier.

How to Make Stress Your Friend

This TED Talk from Stanford’s Kelly McGonigal will change the way you think about stress. Dig deeper by reading her book, The Upside of Stress: Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It.

Also, check out my full breakdown of Effective Stress-Management Techniques.

Health and Fitness

No Gym Workout Methods to Get in Peak Shape

A great run-down on the many, many ways you can exercise without going to the gym.

You’ll Never Get There

A guest post I wrote for nutrition coach Natalie Joffe about letting go of perfectionism with regard to fitness.

How I Set My Exercise on Autopilot

An example of how to create a sustainable exercise routine.


How to find more opportunities to move throughout the day.

This Great Collection of Articles and Videos about Nutrition, Body Positivity, and Mindfulness

Courtesy of intuitive eating coach Natalie Joffe.

Mindfulness & Meditation

My articles on mindfulness and meditation

All my articles on this topic in one place.

Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance

This free, online course from Future Learn is a great introduction to mindfulness practices. It includes several excellent guided meditations.

10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works–A True Story 

This book from Dan Harris presents meditation as a simple, secular way to train your brain. It’s a great introduction to the practice, especially if you’re a skeptic.

Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment

If you’re looking for a deep dive into the secular, practical aspects of Buddhist philosophy, check out this easy-to-read book by Robert Wright.


Probably the most popular meditation app out there.

A variety of guided meditations from UCLA

The best guided loving-kindness meditation I could find


How to Beat Procrastination by Making Your Own Motivation

My full breakdown of the most powerful technique for overcoming procrastination.

Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport 

If your work or your side-projects require difficult thinking, focused effort, and creative problem solving, you need to implement the ideas laid out in this modern classic. Deep work has never been more valuable, but our culture is making it harder and harder to do. For an introduction to the topic, read my article: How to Get Better at Deep Work. 

How to Write Better To-Do Lists

A guide to more advanced to-do lists. See also: 

Social Skills

How to Actually Remember Names

A simple technique anyone can use to remember names.

How to be More Charismatic

An 8-minute animated summary of Olivia Fox Cabane’s book, The Charisma Myth, which explains how charisma is not a gift but rather a constellation of three learnable skills: presence, power, and warmth. 

Charisma on Command

This YouTube channel offers a variety of helpful ideas on how to increase your charisma. I don’t love everything they produce, but plenty of it is worthwhile. I recommend starting with this video on mindsets for good social interaction. In my opinion, it’s their best work.

How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie 

If you haven’t read this book yet, do it. The title makes it sound like a cheesy, shallow manual for how to manipulate people. It’s not that at all. Carnegie’s book is a goldmine of practical ideas that will improve your social skills.

Influence: Science and Practice by Robert Cialdini

This classic book explains how to defend yourself against manipulative salespeople and other peddlers of influence. And it will teach you how to use their tricks for good. (You’re a good person, right?) 

How am I that?

This is the uncomfortable question we all need to be asking. It might make you a better person, and it will certainly make you less judgmental.


There are loads of great books about the science and practice of creativity. What they all have in common is that they highlight the fact that creativity is a skill you can learn and a process you can practice, not an innate trait. My three favorites are:

Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation

A fun exploration of the circumstances and habits of innovators.

Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention

An in-depth exploration of how serious creativity happens, based on interviews from world-class creators from a range of domains.

Do the Work: Overcome Resistance and Get Out of Your Own Way

A very brief, kick-your-butt-into-gear book about actually finishing your creative projects.

Effective Learning

Relentless learning is one of the cornerstones of self-improvement (click here to find out why) so here are some excellent resources to help you become better at learning.

You Can Learn Anything

Start with your mindset. This super-short video is also super-inspiring.

Learning How to Learn

This short, free online course will teach you how to be a masterful learner. Understanding and remembering new information will forever be easier if you apply the lessons of this course. It will also teach you how to be more creative and how to overcome procrastination. Dr. Oakley’s book, A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra), is also excellent.

Northwest Educational Services

This is my other blog. Aimed at parents and students, it covers the neuroscience of learning and the mindsets of successful students, and it offers a variety of helpful ideas for staying positively engaged with academics at school and at home. 

Exam Study Expert

Looking for one-on-one support? Cambridge-trained memory psychologist William Wadsworth will teach you how to work smarter, not harder, via the science of learning and effective studying.

South Cove Tutoring

This is my tutoring business. If you’re looking for content tutoring, executive function coaching, or standardized test prep, look no further.

Stoke Your Curiosity & Get Some Brain Exercise!

Science is WEIRD

These incredible and hyperactive online courses stoke the fires of curiosity in both kids and parents.

Class Central

This is the best place to search for free online university courses (MOOCs). Courses are categorized and rated to save you time, and Class Central draws from all the major providers of free online courses, such as Coursera and edX.

Crash Course

This collection of highly entertaining educational videos has courses on a wide range of useful and interesting topics.

TED Talks

I’ve included this just in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past 15 years, or in case you needed a reminder. TED Talks are quick and informative, and they range from funny to beautiful to extremely serious.

Talks at Google

These are like long-form TED Talks. Typically, the speakers are authors of popular nonfiction books condensing their message into a 50-minute presentation.

Hidden Brain

An intriguing podcast about neuroscience.

Levar Burton Reads

In each episode of this podcast, renowned actor and storyteller Levar Burton gives a brilliant reading of a hand-picked short story. I hope you’ll love it as much as I do. 


Choose from nearly 30 languages and start learning for free today! It’s no substitute for a real class or serious grammar study, but it’s a great way to start exploring a foreign language or enrich your preexisting knowledge.

Khan Academy

Most people use Khan Academy for math, but it also has science, grammar, finance, programming, and more! Make a free account and start watching videos, doing practice problems, and tracking your progress. 

Thanks for reading and sharing,
Chris Loper

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