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What is “Mindfulness” and Why Should You Care?

Today, I’m tackling a big topic: mindfulness. But wait! Before you run away, let me convince you that it’s worth reading and quash a bit of your skepticism. Perhaps for you, the very word “mindfulness” evokes images of hippies or new-age wackos. Fear not, as I am neither of those things. This article will simply serve as a practical, down-to-earth guide that explains what mindfulness is and how we can… Read More »What is “Mindfulness” and Why Should You Care?

The Uncomfortable Question We All Need To Be Asking

There are two types of role models: good and bad. Actually, both are good. Let me explain. It is, of course, good to be around a person who possesses virtuous qualities and whose exemplary behavior is kind, wise, and effective. Such a person provides a model to follow. But what about someone with undesirable qualities and poor behavior? Such a person actually offers us two benefits, one fairly obvious and… Read More »The Uncomfortable Question We All Need To Be Asking

Shoulds Before Have-To’s

If you’re a grown-up with his or her life in order, you’re probably really good at getting your have-to’s done. You know, the things you actually have to do in order to maintain a job and a home: getting to work on time, paying the bills, buying groceries, etc. You probably also have in your mind a few things you think you should* do that you’re not doing very often,… Read More »Shoulds Before Have-To’s

What We Can Learn About Rest From Toddlers

Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time with my nephew Max. He’s two. Max is an energetic, playful child who, like all two-year-olds, has very little self-awareness. Most notably, he seems to have no awareness of when he is tired. Luckily, his parents can tell. When Max starts to get tired, he becomes increasingly prone to frustration, crying, and general crankiness. In response, my brother and his wife impose… Read More »What We Can Learn About Rest From Toddlers

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