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Being Proactive: The Most Important Mindset

Mindsets are very important. The way you see yourself, the lens through which you approach problems, your habitual ways of thinking – these all play a large role in determining the course of your life. And while there are many different mindsets that we’d all be wise to cultivate, one stands out above the others. Without this mindset, the other helpful mindsets aren’t so helpful and probably wouldn’t be adopted in… Read More »Being Proactive: The Most Important Mindset

Don’t Go to Work in Your Mind

How often do you go to work? If you’re like most people, your answer is “Five times per week.” But that answer is almost certainly wrong. You probably go to work a lot more often than that because when you’re not at work, you frequently go there in your mind. We all do it, and it’s certainly not making us any happier. Perhaps, by becoming more aware of it, we… Read More »Don’t Go to Work in Your Mind

Wanting To Do What You Have To Do

A common saying about happiness is that happiness is not having what you want but wanting what you have. I’d like to add to that the following: Happiness is not doing whatever you want but wanting to do whatever you have to do. James Clear advises reframing things that you “have” to do as things that you “get” to do,1 and I like this. It reminds you that so much… Read More »Wanting To Do What You Have To Do

4 Types of Good Bad Problems

There are many different ways a seemingly bad problem can actually be good. But if we can’t recognize the potential good in the bad that comes our way, we might miss out on the benefits. So, to help you get more good out of the inevitable bad, here are four types of good bad problems. #1 Stress The most ubiquitous “problem” people face is stress. I’ll do a longer piece… Read More »4 Types of Good Bad Problems

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