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Can You Do Push-ups Every Day?

Over the last year, I did 2,364 push-ups. Before you feel impressed, that actually isn’t a very big number. Just ten push-ups per day for a year is 3,650. But 2,364 is a lot of push-ups considering that prior to starting this habit, I had difficulty doing any. Let’s go back in time to July 1st, 2021… Rising From the Ashes of Injury Eight years ago, I had foot surgery… Read More »Can You Do Push-ups Every Day?

The Three Kinds of Anxiety

Take a look at this diagram from Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s great book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience: Flow is a state where you’re “in the zone,” performing well at a task you care about. One of the requirements for getting into flow, as shown above, is that your skill level must match the challenge. If it’s too easy, you’ll be bored; if it’s too difficult, you’ll feel anxious.1 But this… Read More »The Three Kinds of Anxiety

Toughness is in Your Genes

Here’s one of my favorite quotes of all time. It comes from Bill Bryson’s delightful book, A Short History of Nearly Everything. “Consider the fact that for 3.8 billion years, a period of time older than the Earth’s mountains and rivers and oceans, every one of your forebears on both sides has been attractive enough to find a mate, healthy enough to reproduce, and sufficiently blessed by fate and circumstances… Read More »Toughness is in Your Genes

The Trouble With “Hope”

“I hope I’ll make some progress on that project this week.” “Hopefully, I’ll be able to get myself to study.” “I hope I can exercise in the morning.” These are phrases I sometimes hear from coaching clients and students. And while I understand the sentiment behind these expressions of hope, I take issue with the mindset they reveal. It’s always within your power to do the thing. You have to… Read More »The Trouble With “Hope”

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