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The Power of an Automatic Routine

I’ve just finished my standard arm workout. It was more thorough than the arm workouts I did last year, but even though I did more exercises, it felt easier, and it seemed to take less time. Indeed, it probably did take less time than my old workouts. How can this be? Did I get stronger? Yes, but as I’ve gotten stronger, I’ve increased the weights and/or increased the repetitions of… Read More »The Power of an Automatic Routine

Other People’s Minds Are a Mystery

“You don’t know how it feels to be me.” –Tom Petty1 You have no idea what it is like to be someone else. Their consciousness – the way they experience life –will be inaccessible to you.2 If this seems wrong, consider for a moment the astounding fact that you cannot even be sure that other people are conscious at all. The only proof you have that anyone is conscious is… Read More »Other People’s Minds Are a Mystery

You are here; it is now.

We spend so much of our lives other than where we are right now. We mentally teleport to the past, thinking of what we could have done differently, ruminating about our failures. We teleport to the future, imagining what we’ll say, what we’ll do, and how we’ll feel, even though such imaginings are usually inaccurate or pointless. All of this comes at the expense of being present. It prevents us… Read More »You are here; it is now.

How to Feel at Home in Your Body

“If you don’t take care of your body, where will you live?” ―Kobi Yamada1 Your body is your home wherever you go. You literally can’t live without it. And since you’re stuck with it for the duration, you’d be wise to figure out how to feel at home in your body. This is difficult for many people. We don’t like how we look. We’re too fat or too thin, too… Read More »How to Feel at Home in Your Body

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