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Flexibility is Strength

Estimated reading time: < 1 minute

A painting of fir trees being blown about in the wind

Imagine a fir tree, covered in green needles.

Should a strong wind come, the tree will bend to and fro in the gusts, but it won’t break.

The tree survives the wind because it is flexible.

A second tree, of the same size, has dried out and become rigid and brittle. Facing the same wind, it will break. Its branches will snap off. It may even be toppled.

You must be like the first tree, flexible enough to adapt to a changing, challenging world.

This does not mean you shouldn’t have principles or commitments. The flexible tree is not blown over in the wind, and you should not be a pushover.

Stay rooted in your values and keep growing toward the light. But don’t be so brittle that the winds of the world break you.


P.S. For a deep look at how to cultivate mental flexibility, read this article.


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