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Staying on Top vs. Getting to the Bottom

Like many Americans, I spent the past few weeks constantly checking the news. The drama unfolding in the Senate was gripping, and I felt compelled to follow along as often as I could. But, now that it’s over and I’ve had a few days to reflect, I’m questioning the wisdom of trying to stay on top of this or any other news story. All my news-checking certainly didn’t change the… Read More »Staying on Top vs. Getting to the Bottom

The Two Types of Risk

There are two types of risk, but most people only ever consider one of them. The conventional type of risk is exposing yourself to “failure”: being rejected, crashing and burning, starting a business that doesn’t work out, writing a book that no one reads, etc. This is the kind of risk that everyone is afraid of, and because they’re afraid of it, they stay in their comfort zone. But few… Read More »The Two Types of Risk

The Power of Choice

I believe the most important skill we can develop is the capacity to make good choices. The choices we make about food and exercise influence our physical health. The choices we make about how to respond to life’s adversities affect our psychological well-being. And the choices we make about self-improvement direct the very course of our lives. That is the power of choice. One of the best ways I’ve found to make… Read More »The Power of Choice

Your Incredible Human Potential

When the day began, I thought I had a pretty good sense of the upper limits of human dexterity and focus, two skills essential for my obsession at the time: extreme Jenga. But by the day’s end, those limits would be far surpassed and my general sense of human potential would be greatly expanded. That evening, hanging out with three friends who had little to no Jenga experience, I set… Read More »Your Incredible Human Potential

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And to kick things off, I’ll send you the 5 most important self-improvement habits to become healthier, happier, and more successful.