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Shoulds Before Have-To’s

If you’re a grown-up with his or her life in order, you’re probably really good at getting your have-to’s done. You know, the things you actually have to do in order to maintain a job and a home: getting to work on time, paying the bills, buying groceries, etc. You probably also have in your mind a few things you think you should* do that you’re not doing very often,… Read More »Shoulds Before Have-To’s

Keep Your Eyes On The Process

Don’t keep your eyes on the prize. Yes, you should have a goal. And it should be significant enough to energize and motivate you. But if you rely on feeling energized and motivated by your goal, you’ll never get there. And yes, you should know what direction you’re heading. But if you just focus on the outcome you want, you will fail to focus on what actually moves you closer… Read More »Keep Your Eyes On The Process

The Thinking Cost

We’re all familiar with the costs associated with procrastination: the stress of feeling behind, the panic of last-minute effort, the regret of missing deadlines. But there’s another cost I want you to consider: the thinking cost. Very often, the cost of procrastination is excessive thinking about the task. For example, if you procrastinate on a minor household task, like putting something away, it probably doesn’t cost you much inconvenience day-to-day.… Read More »The Thinking Cost

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