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Health and Fitness

Why It’s Good To Go Outside During Winter

It was a cold, rainy morning, and I was happily enjoying my warm, cozy apartment, so I put on a coat and went for walk in the park. To some, this would be a perfectly normal choice. To many, however, this would be a clear sign of madness. The conventional wisdom is that if you go outside while it’s cold and rainy, you’ll probably get sick. It turns out, though,… Read More »Why It’s Good To Go Outside During Winter

Becoming Better During the Holidays

For those of us working on self-improvement, the holidays can be a treacherous time. Your routines get interrupted by travel or visiting family, making it much harder to maintain your good habits, and you’re confronted with all manner of temptations that you would normally keep to a minimum. Between all the parties, the sugar-filled goodies, and the general hustle and bustle, healthy eating and exercise are easily neglected. To help… Read More »Becoming Better During the Holidays

Mental Toughness

Muhammad Ali was once asked by a reporter, “How many pushups can you do?” “About eight or nine,” Ali replied. The dumfounded reporter looked at the heavyweight champion in disbelief. “Well, I only start counting when I can’t do anymore,” Ali explained.1 Such is the mindset of a person who really knows how to push himself. He worked to the point where he felt that he could do no more,… Read More »Mental Toughness


In her book, No Sweat: How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a Lifetime of Fitness, Michelle Segar encourages us to find “opportunities to move,” or OTMs for short. Finding OTMs means finding ways to do some additional physical movement throughout the day.1 The reasoning behind this is that we live very sedentary lives and being sedentary is bad for both our physical2 and mental health.3 Even if… Read More »OTMs

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