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Chris Loper

4 Types of Good Bad Problems

There are many different ways a seemingly bad problem can actually be good. But if we can’t recognize the potential good in the bad that comes our way, we might miss out on the benefits. So, to help you get more good out of the inevitable bad, here are four types of good bad problems. #1 Stress The most ubiquitous “problem” people face is stress. I’ll do a longer piece… Read More »4 Types of Good Bad Problems

How to Write Better To-Do Lists

I have a problem with to-do lists. Writing things down is a good idea, of course, but the basic to-do list is, well, pretty basic. The typical to-do list fails to differentiate between short-, medium-, and long-term objectives. It doesn’t distinguish between things you have to do today and things you’d merely like to do today. It also doesn’t distinguish between today and tomorrow, between this week, this month, and… Read More »How to Write Better To-Do Lists

Have-To’s Before Wants

Do you ever find yourself rushed to get out the door in the morning, even though you theoretically had plenty of time? For me, this usually happens when I let my desire to do certain things get the better of me. Instead of doing the things I have to do first, I do the things I want to do up until I realize that I barely have enough time to… Read More »Have-To’s Before Wants

2 Questions

What’s awesome? In other words … What’s going really well? What are you proud of yourself for doing? What are you grateful for? What is there to be happy about? What improvements have you made lately? How are you currently succeeding? What are you making progress toward? My answers: I’m doing more than ever, I haven’t missed a day in nearly three years, and I’m noticing the benefits in my… Read More »2 Questions

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