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Chris Loper

How to Get More Small Doses of Exercise

I recently adopted an exercise protocol that I’m using to get stronger, lose weight, and stay energized throughout the day. It doesn’t involve longer, more strenuous workouts. Instead, it’s all about getting more small doses of exercise. Long-time readers might remember that I exercise on a three-day rotation: One day is legs, the next day is arms, the next day is abs, and then we’re back to legs again. This… Read More »How to Get More Small Doses of Exercise

The Benefit of the Dumb

You Were Wronged Someone wronged you. A driver cut you off. A coworker was rude to you. One of your employees didn’t do their job correctly. One of your friends didn’t reply to your dinner party invite. Your partner didn’t do the dishes. And now you’re upset. They don’t care about me, you think. No, it’s worse than that. They’re trying to hurt me. What an asshole! Although this line… Read More »The Benefit of the Dumb

Should You Tell People About Your Goals?

Should you tell people about your goals? The answer to this question is both surprising and important. Getting it right often makes the difference between success and failure. The answer, it turns out, depends on the type of goal you’re pursuing. The two major categories of goals are quitting and creating. Quitting goals are things like giving up sugar, getting sober, or staying off of social media. Creating goals are… Read More »Should You Tell People About Your Goals?

How to Get Started With Self-Improvement

Self-improvement can be overwhelming. If you spend an hour reading posts on a blog like this one or start watching Philosopher’s Notes TV on a regular basis, you’ll quickly flood your brain with a plethora of new behaviors to try. Plus, you probably already have a long list of things you’d like to improve about yourself or your lifestyle: behaviors you’d like to quit or do less often, behaviors you’d… Read More »How to Get Started With Self-Improvement

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