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Chris Loper

5 Ways You Can Practice Acceptance

You’re stuck in traffic. You dropped a glass on the floor and it shattered. You hurt your back moving a piece of furniture. It’s pouring rain and you forgot to bring a jacket. You have to clean the bathrooms, dust, and vacuum before company comes over. There’s a long line to check out at the grocery store, and the clerk is moving really slowly because they’re chatting with a customer.… Read More »5 Ways You Can Practice Acceptance

The 6 Principles of Delicious and Nutritious Batch Cooking

My partner and I don’t have the time or the energy to cook every night. Our solution is to cook in bulk – to make big batches of food that create an abundance of leftovers. Bulk cooking is extremely efficient. It involves fewer trips to the grocery store and less time in the kitchen than daily cooking. It also reduces the likelihood of going out to eat, which is generally… Read More »The 6 Principles of Delicious and Nutritious Batch Cooking

Therapy Isn’t Enough

Therapy is great. Cognitive therapy is a powerful intervention that has helped millions of people overcome depression, anxiety, and other psychological challenges. There are many types of cognitive therapy, but most focus on helping “people learn how to identify and change destructive or disturbing thought patterns that have a negative influence on behavior and emotions.” Therapists show clients how their “automatic negative thoughts … contribute to and worsen emotional difficulties,… Read More »Therapy Isn’t Enough

5 Ways To Spend Money That’ll Actually Make You Happier

The old adage that money doesn’t buy happiness is generally true. Beyond the level of income required to live comfortably, making extra money doesn’t increase people’s happiness.1 And spending money on stuff, like a new car or a bigger TV, won’t make you any happier in the long run. You’ll get a short burst of pleasure from the purchase, but you’ll quickly get used to having the upgraded version of… Read More »5 Ways To Spend Money That’ll Actually Make You Happier

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