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Chris Loper

They’re Just Nerve Signals

What are feelings? What is pain, pleasure, hot, cold, an itch, or a tickle? On a purely physical level, feelings are just nerve signals – neurons firing in your body to communicate with your brain. What about feelings within your brain? Fear, confidence, sadness, happiness, and the like? These are just nerve signals too – patterns of neurons firing in your brain. Nerve signals are neutral. There is nothing inherently… Read More »They’re Just Nerve Signals

This Mindset Helps You Show Up Consistently

We say things like this to ourselves: “It doesn’t count as a workout unless I do 45 minutes.” “It doesn’t count as reading unless I finish a chapter.” “It doesn’t count as meditating unless I do 20 minutes.” “It doesn’t count as writing unless I finish a blog post.” But when we say these things to ourselves, we’re usually justifying not taking action. We’re giving a reason to do nothing… Read More »This Mindset Helps You Show Up Consistently

Bushwhacking Your Way to New Habits

Have you gotten off-trail on a hike and found yourself doing some serious bushwhacking? (Those of you who answered “no” have clearly never been hiking with me.) Well, let me tell you from my extensive experience that bushwhacking is hard, painful work: forcing your way through pokey salmonberry bushes, struggling over slippery vine maple, getting slapped in the face by wet tree branches. So why on Earth would anyone go… Read More »Bushwhacking Your Way to New Habits

2022 Year End Reflection

Some links are affiliate links. Read this disclosure to learn more. As the year draws to a close, I’d like to take a moment to share some reflections from the past twelve months: some wins, some losses, and some lessons. First, I’d like to say that I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to share my life and my ideas with you. It’s wonderful to know that so many other people are working… Read More »2022 Year End Reflection

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