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2 Questions

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

What’s awesome?

In other words …

What’s going really well?

What are you proud of yourself for doing?

What are you grateful for?

What is there to be happy about?

What improvements have you made lately?

How are you currently succeeding?

What are you making progress toward?

My answers:

  • I’m doing more than ever, I haven’t missed a day in nearly three years, and I’m noticing the benefits in my daily life more and more.
  • My strategy for exercising consistently is going very well, and my old injuries are all improving.
  • It’s a beautiful time of year, and I’m appreciating the lovely details more than I ever have in my life.
  • Blog traffic. Becoming Better is growing in popularity faster than ever. I’m proud of the writing and glad people are finding it helpful. Thank you for thinking the content here is worthy of your time and worth sharing with others.
  • Plus, I’m working with more coaching clients than ever before. If you’re looking for one-on-one support, don’t hesitate to reach out.

What are your answers? Take a minute and think about them, or, better yet, write them down. Consider adopting the practices of gratitude journaling and pride journaling to make sure you come back to these questions on a regular basis.

Now, onto the second question.

What needs work?

In other words …

Where is there room for growth?

What major change needs to happen?

What minor improvements can you make?

Which good behavior can you make more consistent?

Which unhelpful behavior can you reduce or eliminate?

What environmental tweaks can you make to tap into the surprising power of 20 seconds?

What tiny, positive choices can you make more often?

My answers:

  • Write more consistently.
  • Spend less time on unimportant busy-work.
  • Stay focused on one big project at a time.
  • Take more
  • Reduce my screentime at night.

What are your answers? Take a few moments and think about them, or, better yet, write them down and come up with a strategic plan to improve. Don’t beat yourself up because things aren’t perfect. Take a deep breath, give yourself permission to be human, and continue walking the path of becoming better.

*This post was inspired by one of Brian Johnson’s Optimize +1’s. Thanks Brian!

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